Pixel Explosion Effect: AniGraphik

Pixel Explosion Effect: Anigraphik

  1. First of all place an image in adobe photoshop.
  2. For cut out the girl from wallpaper, you must go to the adjustment layer and select the Gradient Map.
  3. go to the Channel option, hide all layer except the Blue layer.
  4. Select the Quick selection tool, and drag around the image which you want to cut out.
  5. After cut out the, now take a new file. take any size.And place the girl image in the new file.
  6. Convert into a smart object and Do the Duplicate the layers.
  7. Change the background, you change the background any type but I am given the gradient effect in the background.
  8. Convert the layer in layer masking, for layer masking, you must click on layer mask button.
  9. Select the Brushes, i give a link you can download Brush files.
  10. Hit on the image like this.
  11. After that select the other layer and go to head of photoshop Filter- liquify.Then open a pop-up window, drag your mouse like this.
  12. now convert the layer into a layer mask, one important rule is, you must press ALT button then hit on the layer mask.
  13. Select the Brush and hit on the image like this.Now your image completed Thanks if you like my Blog then share and comment.

Explosion Brush Download here: http://bit.ly/2mPQxMI

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